Monday, December 3, 2012

My weekly obsession blog 1

Hello my lovelies!

So I figured since I have an ever revolving door of obsessions I would do a weekly blog telling you what my current favorites are. From books, to movies, to food, to music; whatever! Hope you all enjoy and you get inspired to go out and check them out for yourself!!

  1. Sherlock- Anyone who knows me, knows my love of the BBC. I could watch that channel for the rest of my life and be happy. I was introduced to this show, like so many British shows before it, by my dad. He has always had a great love and appreciation for the British humor and I think that was something I inherited. I adore this show. It's exciting, funny, compelling and Benedict Cumberbatch is such a dashingly handsome man. I must admit, he is starting to take the place of Thor in my heart.

  2. Dr. Who- Speaking of the BBC. I could not function without this show. I used to watch this show all the time with my dad when I was younger. I was never much of a science kind of girl but this show definitely got my attention. Enough that I am still an avid Whovian to this day.

  3. The Dark Knight Rises- I have always been a big batman fan. I have also always been a big fan of villains. I find that I sympathize with them more than the hero. Batman has no shortage of amazing villains. Bane definitely has always sat atop my list of favorites. I saw this movie 4 times in theaters.....which is kind of a little over the top but it was great every time! Tom Hardy gave a stellar performance as possibly one of my favorite comic book villains of all time and, he definitely is not bad to look at! Through various avenues my boyfriend managed to snag a copy of it before it came out and we watched it again the other night. That epic fight scene between the bat and Bane still gives me shivers.

  4. The Long Hard Road Out of Hell by Marilyn Manson- I have read this book multiple times, Starting in high school. I have always been drawn to the darker things in life. Whether that be movies, books, music, whatever. The more macabre the better. I remember reading this book and being absolutely fascinated by it. I respect Marilyn Manson as a musician. He knows the value of showmanship and can work a crowd up like no ones business. Most people see him as that weird guy with the contacts and the two removed ribs (that's a rumor by the way). He is actually a very intelligent, well spoken and talented individual. His book really makes you understand him and allows you to see the world through his eyes and tell his side of the story. Seriously, a great read.

  5. My fetal pig named Wilbur- Yes, my little buddy is on my favorites. I recently picked up this little guy at The Belfry. A wonderful oddities shop in downtown Seattle. I have been trying to pick up and start getting my oddities collection back together and so far it's going well!

Well that's it for this week lovelies. Stay tuned for some awesome new posts coming up as well as some sexy pictures from recent shoots!

Dahlia Death

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